Tuesday, March 18, 2014

EHMS Relay for Life

EHMS Relay for Life Team
Find our RFL Team website at tinyurl.com/RFL14ehms -- From our Team Site you can Donate to RFL, Dedicate a Luminaria, or Join our Team!

We invite the EHMS community to support Relay for Life with us and remember loved ones lost to cancer and honor those battling the disease and survivors by recognizing your loved one on our EHMS RFL Team T-shirt or by Dedicating a Luminary.  Please click the links below to find out more.
  • Remember if you are dedicating a Luminary to submit a picture for the Luminary Slideshow by emailing a picture with the name you wish to be displayed rena.pendley@cancer.org by April 17th
If you have never been to a RFL to see the Luminaria Ceremony, here is a little more about it:

Relay For Life participants and donors remember loved ones lost to cancer and honor those battling the disease by dedicating luminaria.

Luminaria, paper bags containing votive candles, are transformed and illuminated after dark at every local Relay For Life event. Each luminaria is personalized with a name, photo, message or drawing in memory or honor of a friend or loved one who has been affected by cancer. Luminaria can also be dedicated in support of a Relay participant. Each luminaria candle represents a person. They are our mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, friends, coworkers, and so many others.

Remember loved ones lost to cancer and honor those battling the disease by dedicating a luminaria bag.