Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Infographics with 7th ELA

What Is An Infographic?

1. It's a visual explanation that helps you more easily understand, find or do something.
2. It's visual, and when necessary, integrates words and pictures in a fluid, dynamic way.
3. It stands alone and is completely self-explanatory.
4. It reveals information that was formerly hidden or submerged.
5. It makes possible faster, more consistent understanding.
6. It's universally understandable.

Piktochart for Infographics

There are a few sites that allow you to simply add data and text to already created infographic templates. All of these have great looking designs, and are a good alternative if you want a fool-proof way of creating an infographic without a lot of time or effort in the design process. Piktochart is a great one.

We are going to add a tile for Piktochart to your Lanchpoint homepage for quick access.
  1. In Chrome browser, go to
  2. Login
  3. Click on the edit pencil icon beside the “My Tiles” Section header
  4. You will see a box with a plus sign appear at the end of your current tiles.
  5. Click the plus sign
  6. In the box that appears, in the URL blank type:   http:\\
  7. Once the Piktochart Title and Icon appear, click the SAVE button.
  8. Click the edit pencil again beside My Tiles to turn editing off.
Now we are going to authenticate your Piktochart account with your hallco Google Drive.
  1. From your launchpoint home page, click your Google Drive icon in the School Tiles section
  2. Once Google Drive is open in a new tab, leave that tab open but click back on the Launchpoint tab
  3. From the launchpoint page, click on the new Piktochart tile you just made
  4. Once you are in piktochart, click on “Login”
  5. Then click  on Google button under “Sign in with”
  6. Then click “Allow” when prompted
  7. Enter your First and Last Name (or a nickname)
  8. Then select “Education” for type of institution
  9. Select “Student”
  10. Select age group
  11. Click Submit
  12. Click "Start Creating"
  13. You will then be taken to your Piktochart library
  14. Click “Create New” in the top right
  15. Select “Infographic” or “Printable, Reports” from template styles

Piktochart has a Gallery of Infographics created with Piktochart at

With an infographic the key is to take rough text/numerical data and display in an attractive and informing graphic.

Here is an example:

You are asked to create a graph of numerical data.  Check out this video on how to graph your results in Piktochart.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

App Challenge

Hello Navi

Safe and Sound

Sit with Me

What you need to know?

Friday, October 14, 2016


November is National Novel Writing Month

If you want to try your skills at writing a novel in one month, then join us in our EHMS NaNoWriMo group.

Step 1 (Complete ONLY if you have a personal email address): Sign up on the YWP NaNoWriMo website for your personal account at NOTE: Because this site is in BETA, if you have signed up previously, you WILL have to sign up on the new site.  ALSO, if you have issues the website seems to work better in the Mozilla Firefox browser).

Step 2: (Everyone complete this step)
Sign up for the EHMS NaNoWriMo Canvas Group to participate and for more help.


NaNoWriMo Writing Tips from Author Kami Garcia

Thursday, October 13, 2016

App Challenge Day 3

Today you will focus on creating your video and submitting your work.

App Challenge Day 2

Today you will focus on
1) Deciding your groups' problem/app solution
2) Dividing responsibilities
3) An essay explaining your app and
4) A mock up of what your app will look like and do.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016


Diigo helps you stay organized as you research on the web.

Go to the Chrome browser, and install the diigo extension:

For our purposes, you will first login to in the CHROME browser and open your hallco google drive.

Then in a new tab in the same browser, you will go to and sign in with your google account.

 Diigo Basics


Tuesday, February 16, 2016

EHMS Literacy Week, Feb. 22-25

EHMS Literacy Week

Sponsored by EHMS Jr. Tome Society Book Club

February 22 – 26, 2016

ALL WEEK LONG – Vote for your favorite Tome It Lists Books at

Win all week!  Bring the scavenger hunt and proof of your activity each day to the Library Learning Commons and the first 100 students will WIN each day. PLUS, every student who participates each day will be entered in a drawing for a $50 Amazon Gift Card.  You can be entered up to 5 times, once for each activity completed Monday – Friday.

See the GREEN SHEET you got from your ELA teacher to ENTER each day and win prizes!!

Monday - Information Literacy
Research the 1956 Presidential Election (see green sheet for details) 

Tuesday - Visual Literacy
Create an InfoPic. Use a free phone app like Typorama or free website like to create a picture with text.  Your picture should represent one cool thing you learned at school today.  Post the picture to Instagram and tag @ehmiddlelc #tlw16 #ehmsliteracyweek OR submit a link to your picture at

Wednesday - Print Literacy
Create a “Book Print”.  Use Word or Google Docs to create a one-page flyer with pictures of the covers of your five most favorite books you have read. Print your flyer OR submit a link to your flyer at

Thursday - Creative Literacy
Make It. Make something new and unique out of random materials.  Your creation is as limitless as your creativity -- It could be a bookmark or origami, something useful or a piece of art. Come by the library learning commons and show off your creation.  (Also, we will have a makerspace with supplies in the library if you want to come and create in the library). We will take a picture of your creation in the library and post to our Instagram @ehmiddlelc

Friday - Student Holiday - What I am Reading Now!

I Am Reading Now! Read a book at home and enjoy! (Need book suggestions? Try one from the Jr. Tome It List at Let us know the read your book by taking a picture of your book and tagging @ehmiddlelc on Instagram with the hashtag #ehmsliteracyweek #tlw16 OR submit a link to your book picture at