Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Inquiry & Innovation at EHMS - Parent Connections 5:30 PM Feb. 25th

EHMS Parents and 5th grade elementary feeder school parents are invited to join us for EHMS Technology Resource Showcase - Inquiry & Innovation at EHMS -  5:30 PM Tuesday, Feb. 25th by The Parent Connection

Students use the many resources of the Library Learning Commons to create new digital products (websites, videos, presentations).
The Library Learning Commons provides technology instruction to classes before and during product creation.

Example Powtoon created in Math Connections class explaining the Pythagorean Theorem.


Example student created video as a commercial for a new product in Business Communications class.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Infographics with Godwin's 3rd & 6th Period

What Is An Infographic?

1. It's a visual explanation that helps you more easily understand, find or do something.
2. It's visual, and when necessary, integrates words and pictures in a fluid, dynamic way.
3. It stands alone and is completely self-explanatory.
4. It reveals information that was formerly hidden or submerged.
5. It makes possible faster, more consistent understanding.
6. It's universally understandable.

Ten Tips for Designing an Infographic

Seven Steps to an Awesome Infographic

Infographic Templates and Creators

There are a few sites that allow you to simply add data and text to already created infographic templates. All of these have great looking designs, and are a good alternative if you want a fool-proof way of creating an infographic without a lot of time or effort in the design process. Piktochart is a great one.

Below is a great example from Piktochart - An Infographic on Childhood Mortality incorporating text, graphics, and simple data charts.
You do not have to use a creator website like Piktochart. You can create an Infographic using any word processing (MS Word) or desktop publishing software (MS Publisher).  You just have to design by adding your own data charts from other sources.

Tools to Create Data Graphics

More Example Infographics

Cool Infographics
Infographic Showcase
Boston Globe News Graphics
Map of the Market


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Jr. Tome Meeting - Wednesday, Feb. 5

EHMS Jr. Tome Society
Meeting – Wednesday, Feb. 5
Learning Commons
7:50 – 8:20

New Members – Fill out member info form on the EHMS Library Blog @ http://ehmslearningcommons.blogspot.com/p/ehms-jr-tome-society-book-club.html
a.       If you can receive free text messages, sign up for Remind 101 text group
                                                               i.      Text to: (971)216-3759
1.       Message: @ehmstome
 Jr. Tome Society IT List – Read these books and vote
a.       Voting closes Feb. 28th
Students interested in having a nook with all 10 IT List books, please return signed parent permission nook form.

Tome Society State Conference – Tuesday, April 1st at EHHS
a.       Must have parent permission signed and returned by Wednesday, Feb. 26
b.      $4 per student, return money with form (let Mrs. Parker know individually if this registration fee is a problem)

 Spring Competitions – Due March 19 – Let Mrs. Parker know if you are interested in competing no later than Wednesday, Feb. 26.
                                                               i.      Individual Competitions
·         Tome Logo - 3 entries per school
·         Short Story/Fan Fiction- 2 entries per school (based on an IT List book)
·         Book Print Video - 2 entries per school
·         Book Talk (Public Speaking - Will present at State Conference on April 1st) - 3 entries per school (Based on an IT List book)
                                                             ii.      Team Competition
                                                            iii.      Chapter Competition
·         Service Project- 1 entry per school
·         Our Chapter Service Project is CURE Childhood Cancer
o    We did a Hat Day in September
o    Any other ideas?