Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Infographics with 7th ELA

Piktochart for Infographics

There are a few sites that allow you to simply add data and text to already created infographic templates. All of these have great looking designs, and are a good alternative if you want a fool-proof way of creating an infographic without a lot of time or effort in the design process. Piktochart is a great one.
  • piktochart.com (Click Sign in with Google Account -- Your Google email is studentid@hallco.org with regular hallco computer password)

With an infographic the key is to take rough text/numerical data and display in an attractive and informing graphic.

Here is an example:

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Animoto with Connections Math


Need your animoto username/password from your teacher

Saving Text as Pictures:

  • www.canva.com - Login with Google and use your hallco.org login
  • PowerPoint - Save as JPEG
  • Paint -Save as JPEG

Animoto Help search:  https://help.animoto.com/hc/en-us

Lauchpoint -- go.hallco.org
Add Canva.com and animoto.com as tiles

Friday, September 25, 2015

Powtoon with 6th Connections

Today you are going to learn a great new technology tool - Powtoon!
     - Login into Launchpoint and then click on the Google Drive icon

    Once you are logged into Google Drive, go to New, More, Connect More Apps, and search and find the Powtoon Edu app

    Basics of Powtoon

    Powtoon Tutorial Videos (about 1 minute each)
    Powtoon Sound Manager - http://youtu.be/9kXzyI9rX9Q

    A Sample Powtoon

    Thursday, August 27, 2015

    Powtoon with Bradshaw ELA

    Today you are going to learn a great new technology tool - Powtoon!
       - Login into Launchpoint and then click on the Google Drive icon

      Once you are logged into Google Drive, go to New, More, Connect More Apps, and search and find the Powtoon Edu app

      Basics of Powtoon

      Powtoon Tutorial Videos (about 1 minute each)
      Powtoon Sound Manager - http://youtu.be/9kXzyI9rX9Q

      A Sample Powtoon

      Friday, February 27, 2015

      Animoto Book Trailer's with ELA 7th

      What is a book trailer?
      It is an advertisement for a book, just like a movie trailer is an advertisement for a movie. (Think: What would make me want to read this book?)

      What makes a good book trailer?
      1.       Presentation/Persuasion: A good book trailer has a call to action – The viewer knows where to go to get the book, or where to go to find out more information. (Hint: your Call to Action could be "Read this Book Today" or "Check out this book today at your library")
      2.       Content/Storyline or plot: A good book trailer has clarity – The viewer knows exactly what book and what kind of book (genre) is being promoted. The viewer also gets a pretty good idea what the book is about.
      3.     Presentation/Interest level: A good book trailer triggers an emotional response – The viewer gets the promise of an experience, one they know they will have when they read the book. In other words, the experience the book trailer creates promises to be the experience the reader will have when reading the book.

      ·   Have a hook for the audience: (i) get people interested/excited about the book (2) grab their attention with the first frame
      ·   Don't have too much text
      ·   Set the moods and convey the "feeling" of the book
      ·   Length is important. Not too long or too short but enough to give a quick "taste" of the book
      ·   Be mysterious
      ·   Look at the concept behind the story and don't focus on the details of the book (the minutiae)
      ·   Music and sound is essential

      Great Example of a Student Created Book Trailer: https://animoto.com/play/nDg0elZXmBd8eC5mRd9D7A 
      ·         One thing that makes this book trailer great is that all the pictures are from the internet, and a different girl but the group was careful to pick pictures where the girl looked so similar you didn't realize a different person. 

      Monday, February 9, 2015

      Powtoon with Math Connections

      Today you are going to learn a great new technology tool - Powtoon!
         - Login into Connect and then click on the HallConnect icon to get to your Google Drive

        Basics of Powtoon

        Powtoon Tutorial Videos (about 1 minute each)
        Powtoon Sound Manager - http://youtu.be/9kXzyI9rX9Q

        A sample PowToon

        Tuesday, January 27, 2015

        Super Bowl Infographic with Mrs. Moore's Math Classes

        Piktochart for Infographics

        There are a few sites that allow you to simply add data and text to already created infographic templates. All of these have great looking designs, and are a good alternative if you want a fool-proof way of creating an infographic without a lot of time or effort in the design process. Piktochart is a great one.
        • piktochart.com (Click Sign in with Google Account -- Your Google email is studentid@hallco.org with regular hallco computer password)

        With an infographic the key is to take rough text/numerical data and display in an attractive and informing graphic.
        Here is an example:

        You are asked to create a survey predicting the Super Bowl winner and create a graph of the results.  Check out this video on how to graph your results in Piktochart.

        Example Super Bowl Infographic